Document comparison solution

Compare XLSM in C# .NET

.NET documents comparison API to check for diffs between two versions of XLSM files and export to a final document with a detailed summary of the differences between the compared documents.

How to compare multiple XLSM files using C#

It is possible to use GroupDocs.Comparison for getting report about differences in many XLSM files.

  1. Install GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET from Nuget using your favorite package manager
  2. Provide an instance of Comparer class with full path to initial XLSM file
  3. Append at least one other XLSM to Comparer
  4. Get a final report with precisely described differences

// Compare multiple documents from local disk

// Instantiate Comparer providing a first file
using (Comparer comparer = new Comparer("main_document.xlsm"))
    // Add other files

    // Get result file with the specified name
dotnet add package GroupDocs.Comparison
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Discover GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET API advantages

GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET is a native .NET API designed for comparing multiple images and documents of the same format. It aids in detecting differences within paragraphs, words, characters, shapes, and even the text styles of the compared documents. With the ability to merge these changes and export to a final document, it supports comparison and merging of PDFs, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, Visio diagrams, Outlook emails, HTML, drawings, and various image file formats—all without the need for any external libraries.
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Compare popular file formats using C#

.NET API for document formats comparison. Stay well-informed about changes at your documents processing them without extra efforts.
