Edit and manage documents with ease

Document editor to manipulate Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, PDF, HTML, and other document file formats.

Create new documents from scratch.

Easily manage form fields within documents.

GroupDocs.Editor at a glance

API to edit, translate, and save various document formats seamlessly.

  • Edit multiple file formats

    Seamlessly edit multiple PDF, Office, and many other supported formats.

  • Translate to HTML/CSS

    Translate documents to HTML/CSS markup compatible with WYSIWYG editors.

  • Save edited documents

    Save edited HTML/CSS to source document format or export to PDF.

  • Document information extraction

    Extract information such as page count, size, and encryption status.

Practical code showcase

Some use cases of typical GroupDocs.Editor operations.

Editing a document

GroupDocs.Editor allows you to edit various document formats and save the changes. You can edit whole documents or specific parts of your documents.
 // Load document
Editor editor = new Editor("sample.docx");

// Edit document
EditableDocument editableDocument = editor.Edit();

// Save edited document
editor.Save(editableDocument, "edited_sample.docx");
// Load document
Editor editor = new Editor("sample.docx");

// Edit document
EditableDocument editableDocument = editor.edit();

// Save edited document
editor.save(editableDocument, "edited_sample.docx");
// Load document
const editor = new Editor("sample.docx");

// Edit document
const editableDocument = editor.edit();

// Save edited document
editor.save(editableDocument, "edited_sample.docx");

60+ file formats supported

GroupDocs.Editor supports operations with a wide range of document formats.

In-depth metrics and statistical insights

Dive into a detailed breakdown of our key figures, providing comprehensive metrics and statistical insights into our achievements, impact, and growth.

  • 60+

    Supported formats

    Each library supports editing more than 60 of the most popular file and document formats.

  • 274k

    NuGet downloads

    GroupDocs.Editor for .NET has more than 274K downloads from the NuGet package manager.

  • 5.5k

    Maven downloads

    GroupDocs.Editor for Java has more than 5.5K downloads from our Maven repository.

  • 140+

    Happy customers

    Our libraries are used by both small individual developers as well as by leading companies all over the world.

Our happy customers

GroupDocs libraries are employed by globally renowned and distinguished brands across the world.

Platform independence

GroupDocs.Editor library supports the following operating systems and frameworks:


.NET Framework 4.6.2 or higher
.NET Core 2.0 or higher
.NET 6.0 or higher
Mono Framework 2.6.7 or higher
Windows, Linux, Mac OS
Microsoft Visual Studio
Xamarin (Android, iOS, Mac)
60+ file formats


J2SE 8.0 or higher
Windows, Linux, Mac OS
IntelliJ IDEA
50+ file formats


Node.js 16+ and J2SE 8.0 (1.8)+
Windows, Linux, Mac OS
Visual Studio Code
Any other text editor
50+ file formats

Ready to get started?

Try GroupDocs.Editor features for free on your platform.

Useful resources

Explore documentation, code samples, and community support to enhance your experience.

Frequently asked questions

Answers to most commonly asked questions.

  • Does the GroupDocs.Editor library need any other third-party software to manipulate documents?
    GroupDocs.Editor does not require any external software to be installed such as Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Office, or any other.
  • Can I try the GroupDocs.Editor library before purchasing it?
    Yes, you can try GroupDocs.Editor without buying a license. Once installed without a license, the library works in trial mode. In this mode, trial badges are added to the resultant document, and it is trimmed to the first 3 pages. If you wish to test GroupDocs.Editor without the limitations of the trial version, you can also request a 30-day temporary license. For more details, see Get a Temporary License.
  • What licenses do you have?
    We offer several license types to fit the needs of particular developers or companies. License types depend on the number of developers, the number of developer site locations, and whether you need to deliver our SDK/API to your end customers. Alternatively, you can choose Metered licenses based on monthly usage of the product. Learn more at License Types.