Secure Classified Data via Redaction API

Redact, hide or remove sensitive content & metadata from documents, worksheets, presentations, PDF and raster image files using .NET API.

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GroupDocs.Redaction for .NET is an API library that helps you erase sensitive and classified data from various file formats, such as, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF. Our Redaction API’s single format-independent interface supports redaction of various types, e.g., text redaction, metadata redaction, annotation redaction, and tabular document redaction. GroupDocs.Redaction for .NET API also allows you to redact password protected files. You are allowed to save the document in its original format as well as create a sanitized PDF document with raster images of original pages.

GroupDocs.Redaction for .NET Features

Redact your Classified Data with Ease & Control

GroupDocs.Redaction for .NET API grants you complete control over how you want to hide or erase your important classified information from supported document. To use our Redaction API is pretty simple and straight forward.

In following example, we load a supported document, redact out any text, matching “2 digits, space or nothing, 2 digits, again space and 6 digits” (such as 12 34 567890) with a blue color box using C#. Once that is done, it saves the document in its original format by renaming it with an added suffix “_Redacted”:

// Create an instance of Redactor class
using (Redactor redactor = new Redactor("sample.docx"))
  // Apply redaction
  redactor.Apply(new RegexRedaction("\\d{2}\\s*\\d{2}[^\\d]*\\d{6}", new ReplacementOptions(System.Drawing.Color.Blue)));

Support and Learning Resources

GroupDocs.Redaction offers document viewing APIs for other popular development environments

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