GroupDocs.Classification Overview

.NET solution for automated text and document classification using various taxonomies.

Illustration classification

Classify Text and Documents with C#

Easily classify content using IAB-2, Document, and Sentiment taxonomies with GroupDocs.Classification for .NET.

Support for Multiple File Formats

Process various document types including PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, TXT, and more.

Flexible Classification Options

Choose the number of results to return and adjust precision/recall balance for Documents taxonomy.

Platform independence

GroupDocs.Classification for .NET supports the following operating systems, frameworks, and package managers


Supported file formats

GroupDocs.Classification for .NET supports operations with the following file formats.

Microsoft Office Formats


OpenDocument & Other Formats

  • OpenOffice: ODT, OTT
  • Fixed Layout: PDF
  • Other: TXT

GroupDocs.Classification Features

Classify text and documents using advanced taxonomies and options.

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Multiple Taxonomies

Supports IAB-2, Document, and Sentiment taxonomies for versatile classification.

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Multi-Language Support

Perform sentiment classification in both English and Chinese.

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Customizable Results

Specify the number of classification results to return.

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Precision Control

Adjust precision/recall balance for Documents taxonomy classification.

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Multiple File Formats

Compatible with various document formats including PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, and TXT.

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Easy Integration

Seamlessly integrate with any .NET application, including ASP.NET and Windows apps.

Code samples

Some use cases of typical GroupDocs.Classification for .NET operations

Classify Text using IAB-2 Taxonomy

This example shows how to classify raw text using the IAB-2 taxonomy:

// Create a classification request
var request = new ClassifyRequest(new BaseRequest()
    Description = "Try Text classification"
}, "3");

// Get classification results
var response = apiInstance.Classify(request);

// Print the results

Sentiment Analysis of a Document

You can perform sentiment analysis on documents using the Sentiment taxonomy:

// Create an instance of Classifier
var classifier = new GroupDocs.Classification.Classifier();

// Classify a document using Sentiment taxonomy
var response = classifier.Classify("document.pdf", ".", 3, Taxonomy.Sentiment);

// Print the sentiment and probability
Console.WriteLine($"Sentiment: {response.BestClassName}");
Console.WriteLine($"Probability: {response.BestClassProbability}");

Ready to get started?

Download GroupDocs.Classification for free or get a trial license for full access!

Useful resources

Explore documentation, code samples, and community support to enhance your experience.

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